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Scientific American article about COVID studies

More evidence on how COVID-19 changed Americans’ values, activities

The Social Psychology Behind Our Pandemic Baking, KPCC

The Orange County REGISTER
Why are we gardening more during the pandemic? The answer may be in psychology

NBC Los Angeles (City News Service story):
Study Offers a Window on How Internet Search Trends and Our Social Media Activity Changed in the Pandemic

Los Angeles Daily News (City News Service story):
How COVID-19 changed the way we use Google and Twitter, according to UCLA-Harvard study

MSN (City News Service story):
Study Offers a Window on How Internet Search Trends and Our Social Media Activity Changed in the Pandemic

Long Beach Press-Telegram (City News Service story):
How COVID-19 changed the way we use Google and Twitter, according to UCLA-Harvard study

KFI Radio Los Angeles (City News Service story):
UCLA-Harvard Study Finds Pandemic Changed Search Trends, Social Media Words

MyNewsLA (City News Service story):
UCLA-Harvard Study Finds Pandemic Changed Search Trends, Social Media Words

UCLA Newsroom
Internet trends suggest COVID-19 spurred a return to earlier values and activities

EurekAlert (American Association for the Advancement of Science):
Internet trends suggest COVID-19 spurred a return to earlier values and activities

Too much tech? An argument for keeping schools low-tech. Washington Post  (2014)

Will the economic crisis lead to major societal changes?

Predicting social change

Worldwide recession may reverse the direction of modern societies

UCLA News room!

Creating your image on Facebook and MySpace

Crafting your image for your 1,000 friends on Facebook and MySpace

Youngsters use Facebook, MySpaceteens to create flattering self-images

We’re all digital dandies, social networking as image crafting

Technology improves visual skills but lessons critical thinking

Science Daily