Manago, A.M., Taylor, T., & Greenfield, P.M. (under review). Me and my 300 friends: The anatomy of college students’ Facebook networks and its relationship to communication patterns and well-being. Developmental Psychology.
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (in press). The new emerging adult in Chiapas, Mexico: Perceptions of traditional values, gender roles and value change among first generation Maya university students. Journal of Adolescent Research.
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (2011). The construction of independent values among Maya women at the forefront of social change: Four case studies. Ethos, 39 (1), 1-29.
Salimkhan, G., Manago, A.M., & Greenfield, P.M. (2010). The construction of the virtual self on MySpace. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 4 (1), article 1.
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (2009). Mujeres Mayas en la vanguardia del cambio social: Cuatro estudios de casos de la construcción de valores en un ambiente urbano. [Maya women at the forefront of social change: Four case studies of value construction in an urban environment]. Anuario Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, 521-549.
Manago, A.M., Graham, M., Greenfield, P.M. & Salimkhan, G. (2008). Self presentation and gender on MySpace. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29, 446-458.
Conference Presentations:
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (April 2011). Adaptations to urban environments that move women to adopt individualistic approaches to female empowerment. Talk presented as part of symposium, “The Psychology of Patriarchy” at the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Santa Monica, California.
Manago, A.M. (March 2011). Shifting adolescent developmental pathways during rapid social change in a Maya community. Talk presented as part of symposium “Social Change and Human Development” at the Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Manago, A.M. (2011, February). Shifting values for gender roles and relations among Maya women: Qualitative and quantitative evidence across three generations and among some of the first professional Maya women in Chiapas. Talk presented as part of symposium, “Gender Equality” at the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Charleston, South Carolina.
Manago, A.M. (2011, February). Gender role development and shifting social ecologies in a Maya community in Southern Mexico. Talk presented at the Center for the Study of Women’s “Thinking Gender” Conference, UCLA.
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (2010, July). Shifting adolescent developmental pathways during rapid social change in a Maya community in Chiapas, Mexico. Talk presented as part of symposium “On becoming modern: Quantitative and qualitative studies of social and individual change” at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Manago, A.M. (2010, April). Adolescent gender role and identity development under conditions of rapid cultural change in an indigenous Maya community. Poster presented at the Gender Development Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Manago, A.M., Greenfield, P.M., & Salimkhan, G. (2009, April). Seeking and stalking: Dating in a virtual world. Talk presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.
Salimkhan, G., Manago, A.M., Greenfield, P.M. (2009, April). Constructing the Virtual Self on MySpace. Talk presented at Identities and Technoculture, Iowa City, IA.
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (2009, April). The new emerging adult in Chiapas, Mexico: Maya college students’ experiences of social change and shifting gender roles. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (2008, July). Gender identity development in the context of social change. Poster presented at the International Association of Cross-Cultural Research, Bremen, Germany.
Manago, A.M. & Greenfield, P.M. (2008, April). Gender identity development in the context of social change. Poster presented at the Gender Development Conference, San Francisco, CA.